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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

International Illustration Competition (illustrators)


Who organises International Illustration Competition?
What is the prize?

The author of the first classified work will receive a prize money and his/her illustration will be the official image for the promotional material of International Exposotion of Figurative Arts for children. (for further information read the regulation of the current illustration competition).

How much is the participation fee?

The regulation contains the cost of the participation fee.

Why do I have to pay the participation fee?

Fondazione Malagutti is a non-profit organization, but it has to bear the costs of the mantainence of the Diritti a Colori website, of the Illustration Competition organisation, of the final selection exhibition, of the prizes, to carry out the printing of the calendar at the end of the Competition and of any other possible volume, and all the other running costs.

Why an International Illustration Competition?

We strongly believe in children’s right to express themselves freely; for this reason, we have chosen to involve and promote illustrators’ work through initiatives like the International Illustration Competition, expositions, publications, promotion of activities and labs.

Why does Fondazione promote the work of illustrators?

Because they can be known and granted to draw a better world for children!

The artwork(s) which I sent to participate will be returned?

You can choose whether to donate your artwork(s) to Fondazione Malagutti onlus and participate in its promotional initiatives even after the Competition, or not to donate it/them; in this second case, Fondazione will return it/them with the shipping costs in charge of the recipient by mail and/or courier.

What does Fondazione do with the donated artworks?

Fondazione elects the donated works to organise exhibitions and publications.
The illustrators will always be quoted and informed of such activities, which can also take place in partnership. All the donated works will be exposed at the Exhibition Space#dirittiacolori in Via San Longino 1/b in the center of Mantua.

If I donate my artwork(s), will Fondazione compensate me?

Fondazione tries to promote it/them as better as possible giving the outmost visibility to its illustrator.

Can I publish the image of the illustration(s) that I sent?

You can only publish it/them when the Competition ends.

International Figurative Arts Exhibition


Does anything change compared to the previous editions?

How to participate does not change. We decided to change the name of the initiative because from this year on we decided to encourage and enhance young people’s artistic abilities, highlighting the talents from worldwide.

How do I fill the participation form?

Filling out the participation form is very important: it is the only means by which the organisational secretariat of Diritti a Colori will have the opportunity to get in touch with the parents or teachers of the winning children/teenagers.

Make sure that the provided data are right, especially those regarding the e-mail address and phone number.

For those who participate individually

The form must be completed in all fields.

Class/group participation with a single artwork

It will suffice to fill in the “Class” item (to indicate the age of the participants) and the name of the school (or group/workshop) without specifying: “name”, “surname” and “born on”. However, if you wish to indicate the names of the children/teenagers involved in the creation, you can send a separate sheet with the list.

It will be necessary to complete all the other fields, in particular the telephone numbers and email address of the teacher/group coordinator and/or school.

Class/group participation with individual works

Fill out the form in all its parts (therefore also with the name, surname and date of birth of each individual participant) and attach the participation form to each work (in the case of a drawing or photograph, paste the form on the back).

Ship them in a single envelope.

What is the deadline to respect so that the works arrive to Fondazione Malagutti onlus?

The deadline is indicated on the regulation.

Where can I find the participation form?

You can download it from the website or you can ask it by writing to

Who can take part in the International Figurative Arts Exhibition?

All children and teenagers from 3 to 18 years old.

How can I participate?

Create a drawing, a video, an installation, a photograph and/or a sculpture and send your work(s) to: Fondazione Malagutti onlus, Via dei Toscani, 8 – 46010 Curtatone (MN)- Italy.

Attach to your work:

– the participation form
– a non-glued stamp worth € 1.00 (the request for this very limited commitment represents our intention to create a wider awareness towards the participation in such a complex initiative, which requires a lot of work by our organizational secretariat. Attaching a stamp represents an educational and respectful action towards the event)

How can I be informed about the outcome?

Our organizational secretariat will get in touch with the winners by phone. All the names and images of the winning works will be published on the website.

I participated, but my work was not selected. Will you get in touch or send anything?

The participation certificate will be available for all participants and can be requested at the email

You will just have to print it and personalise it with your name.


How can I receive my award?

You will be awarded at the final event of the Exhibition; otherwise, your prize will be delivered at your home address with costs in charge of the recipient.

Can I publish the image of the work(s) I sent?

The image(s) can be published at the end of the Exhibition.

Can I take part in the initiative by organising an event in my city?

Yes, you can. People who want to cooperate with “Diritti a Colori” for the initiative can organise such events. Get in touch for more information.




Can I take my friends who did not participate to visit the Exposition and to the Award Cerimony?

Yes, you can. The Final Award Cerimony is free and open to everybody.

At the end of the competition, will you return the work(s) that I sent?

No, the works will become Fondazione Malagutti onlus’ property, which reserves itself the right of use.

Can I send more than 1 artwork?

You can send up to a maximum of 3 artistic works, even of different genres (example: drawing+photo+video, photo+sculpture+installation, etc.). Remember to attach to each work the participation form filled out with all the required data.

What is the technique to be used?

You can create your work freely: if you decide to send us a drawing, you can choose to create it with pencils, markers, crayons, tempera, etc. If you choose sculpture instead, you can compose it with clay, plaster, wood. Even when it comes to installations, there are no constraints.

Which format do I have to use?

For drawings, sculptures, photos and installations the format is free.
Videos insted must be made in .mp4 and have a maximum duration of 180 seconds (3 min).


Which support (sheet of paper, cardboard, canvas, etc.) should I use if I decide to participate with a drawing?

You can choose any support, it is free indeed.

Can I participate with my class or friends?

Of course, the Competition is open both to those who want to participate individually and to those who want to participate with group work or artworks carried out during educational workshops.

Who is the author of the image in all the Exhibition promotional material?

The winning work of the 8th International Illustration Competition will become the symbol for all the promotional material of the International Figurative Arts Exhibition.

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